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Can you take Pride in your employee benefits?

LGBTQ+ benefits assessment
two people looking at laptop

Did you know that inclusive benefits can be the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce?

Did you know that inclusive benefits can be the key to unlocking the full potential of your workforce? In today’s competitive landscape, attracting and retaining top talent requires more than just competitive salaries–it calls for a commitment to equity and inclusion.

Your LGBTQ+ workforce (and their allies) are seeking more than just a job–they’re searching for an employer who values their unique identities and supports them with truly equitable benefits. But how do your current benefits measure up?

It’s time to find out. Take our short assessment to evaluate your current benefits package and discover actionable insights to advance health equity within your organization.

Inside the assessment you’ll uncover:

  • The value in offering equitable benefits
  • Insights into the healthcare experience of diverse identities
  • A deeper understanding of your employee population
  • A worksheet to assess your current benefits
  • And more