Welcome to your Stryker benefit

Access your
healthcare account

illustration of included health mobile app

Discover all your benefits.

icon find a doctor

Find a doctor

Search by name, specialty, or condition. Get matched to carefully-vetted in-network care for online or in-person visits.

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Get advice now

Message or call your personal care team with questions or advice on medical or billing questions.

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Call a nurse

Speak with a nurse who can offer treatment advice, help you decide next steps, and even connect you with a doctor if needed. Available 24/7 at no cost.

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Insurance & ID card

View your insurance account details and contact information, prescription coverage, request or print your ID card, contact your care team 24/7.

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Expert opinion

Have a leading specialist review your diagnosis or treatment plan. Access the expertise and clinical guidance of our world-class physicians remotely from your home.

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Benefits support

See your care history, track your deductible and full spending information. Need help with a claim? No problem, your care team is available 24/7.

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LGBTQ+ Health

Say hello to safe, supportive, LGBTQ+ care.

Our queer and trans-led team knows first-hand the challenges and barriers the LGBTQ+ community faces. That's why we help you, your loved ones and other members of the LGBTQ+ community access affirming, high-quality care.

Black Health

See a doctor who sees you.

We’ll match you with an experienced coordinator on our Black-led care team to guide you through any healthcare need. From pregnancy to primary care, Included Health gets you the right care, right away—in your network and in your neighborhood. 

girl sitting on her dad's shoulders

We’re helping almost six million people live their healthiest lives.

“Included Health has helped me navigate my way through the healthcare system. I finally had somebody that was going to be in my corner and find me what I needed.”

Man sitting on sofa smiling

Common questions about Included Health

Included Health is a health benefit made available to you by Stryker. We are a guide and resource for your medical and health care-related needs. Our services include finding you the top doctors and specialists in your insurance network, booking doctor’s appointments on your behalf, getting you remote second opinions from world-leading experts, answering any questions you may have about your medical conditions, and more. For information on how we process your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Use Included Health when:
  • You need a primary care physician or specialist for an in-person visit. We’ll help you find trusted and experienced doctors within your insurance network and can even set the appointment for you.
  • You’d like quick answers to medical questions. We can provide you with over-the-phone guidance and support from a Included Health doctor.
  • You need to find your insurance plan information and ID card.
  • We’ll help you understand all of the details of your health plan.
  • You have questions about billing. We’ll help you understand medical costs and whether the price you’re being quoted is fair.
  • You’re not sure which of your benefits you should use. We’ll help you explore the different health benefits available to you and when to use them.

Included Health is available to U.S. employees and their dependents enrolled in a Stryker medical plan. Your employer provides this service so that you have access to the best medical care possible. NOTE: The Included Health services you are eligible to use may vary based on which Stryker health plan you are enrolled in. Please contact Included Health to learn more about the services you have access to. The LGBTQ+ Health Program is available to all U.S. benefits eligible employees and their dependents. This program provides support from a specialized dedicated care team built for the LGBTQ+ community

Included Health is fully covered by Stryker and available at no cost to you and your enrolled dependents. Please refer to your insurance carrier for specifics regarding coverage and costs under your medical plan that will apply for any treatments as a result of the Expert Opinion or Office Visit – Included Health will find the doctor, collect all relevant medical records, and (if necessary) schedule the appointment at no cost.

Included Health physicians span all conditions and specialty areas, including: back and knee pain, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, behavioral health disorders, migraines, digestive system disorders, dermatology, pediatrics, ACL tears, and much more.

Included Health selects physicians to recommend based on their education and training, patient outcomes, and location. As a result, we’re able to match you with highly experienced doctors and specialists who are best suited to your personal preferences and medical needs.

Most doctors are glad to get the opinions of their peers when assessing complicated medical issues. Their primary goal is to get you feeling better. A good way to frame a conversation with your treating physician regarding an Included Health expert opinion is:

  • “I requested a consultation about [condition] and here’s what I learned…”
  • “Here’s what I was surprised to find out…”
  • “Dr. Smith recommended these options for my care because of these reasons…”

Any personal health information you share with Included Health is held confidentially and will not be shared by us, unless authorized by you, or where legally permissible and/or required under applicable law.

Included Health is not affiliated with your insurance and operates separately to guide your ongoing care. The goal of Included Health is to provide you with useful information about your health so that you can make informed decisions about your medical care and have healthier outcomes overall.

The last four digits of your SSN are needed to confirm both your identity when creating an account and your eligibility for the Included Health benefit. For information on how we process your personal information, please read our Privacy Policy.

Activate your account with Included Health by visiting includedhealth.com/stryker, or calling 855 431 5551, and earn 100 Strive points! Points will be awarded within two weeks of registering with Included Health. Registration must be completed by December 11, 2023 in order to receive the Strive points.
Included Health’s LGBTQ+ provides dedicated support from a team of predominantly LGBTQ+ community members to assist in accessing culturally competent, high-quality care, access to resources to help with coming out at work or parenting a LGBTQ+ child, and access to a wider community of people who understand LGBTQ+ healthcare needs.
Included Health services can be easily accessed by calling our Care Team at 855-431-5551 visiting includedhealth.com/stryker, or via the free app.

Download the
Included Health app

Smartphone displaying the Included Health App

Try the app, it’s easy. We just need to check a few details. 

  • 1.Activate your account
  • 2.Search for the care you need
  • 3.Get matched with high quality care
Download the Included Health app.
Download the Included Health app.